

  • Python 3.12

  • Wazuh manager installed

  • DFN-CERT membership and valid certificates

  • Access to DFN SOC Kafka broker


Note: The service will run as the wazuh user, so all directories and files must be owned by this user.

Rocky Linux 9

# Install system dependencies
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install python3.12 python3.12-pip

# Create installation directory
sudo mkdir -p /opt/wazuh-dfn
sudo chown wazuh:wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn

# Create virtual environment
python3.12 -m virtualenv /opt/wazuh-dfn/venv

# Install wazuh-dfn (if you have the package uploaded to a local repository)
sudo -u wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn/venv/bin/pip3.12 install wazuh-dfn

# If curl and jq are installed you can download and install latest release file with:
curl -s | jq --raw-output '.assets[1] | .browser_download_url' | xargs curl -L -o wazuh_dfn-latest.tar.gz
sudo -u wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn/venv/bin/pip3.12 install wazuh_dfn-latest.tar.gz

Ubuntu 24.04

# Install system dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.12 python3.12-venv python3.12-dev gcc

# Create installation directory
sudo mkdir -p /opt/wazuh-dfn
sudo chown wazuh:wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn

# Create virtual environment
python3.12 -m venv /opt/wazuh-dfn/venv

# Install wazuh-dfn (if you have the package uploaded to a local repository)
sudo -u wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn/venv/bin/pip3.12 install wazuh-dfn

# If curl and jq are installed you can download and install latest release file with:
curl -s | jq --raw-output '.assets[1] | .browser_download_url' | xargs curl -L -o wazuh_dfn-latest.tar.gz
sudo -u wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn/venv/bin/pip3.12 install wazuh_dfn-latest.tar.gz


  1. Create configuration directory and copy the sample configuration:

mkdir -p /opt/wazuh-dfn/{config,certs,logs}
curl -o /opt/wazuh-dfn/config/config.yaml
  1. Configure the service by editing /opt/wazuh-dfn/config/config.yaml. The DFN settings are required and must be configured:

# Required DFN settings - these must be configured
  dfn_id: "12345678-abcd-efgh-ijkl-01234567890ab" # DFN customer ID
  dfn_broker: "" # DFN Kafka broker address
  dfn_ca: "/opt/wazuh-dfn/certs/dfn-ca.pem" # Path to CA certificate for Kafka SSL
  dfn_cert: "/opt/wazuh-dfn/certs/dfn-cert.pem" # Path to client certificate for Kafka SSL
  dfn_key: "/opt/wazuh-dfn/certs/dfn-key.pem" # Path to client key for Kafka SSL

# Logging configuration
  console: true # Enable console logging
  file_path: "/opt/wazuh-dfn/logs/wazuh-dfn.log" # Path to log file
  interval: 600 # Statistics logging interval in seconds
  level: "INFO" # Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL

# Miscellaneous settings
  num_workers: 10 # Number of worker threads for processing alerts
  own_network: # Optional: Network CIDR for own network filtering (e.g. "")
  1. Important path considerations:

    • If you have a non-default Wazuh installation, you may need to adjust:

      • wazuh.json_alert_file: Path to Wazuh’s JSON alert file

      • wazuh.unix_socket_path: Path to Wazuh’s Unix domain socket

    • You can customize the log location by changing:

      • log.file_path: Where to store the wazuh-dfn service logs

    • All other settings have sensible defaults and are optional

  2. Verify your DFN certificates are in place:

ls -l /opt/wazuh-dfn/certs/
# Should show:
# dfn-ca.pem
# dfn-cert.pem
# dfn-key.pem

Service Setup

Rocky Linux 9 and Ubuntu 24.04

  1. Create a systemd service file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wazuh-dfn.service
  1. Add the following content:

Description=Wazuh DFN Service

ExecStart=/opt/wazuh-dfn/venv/bin/wazuh-dfn -c /opt/wazuh-dfn/config/config.yaml

  1. Set appropriate permissions:

sudo chown -R wazuh:wazuh /opt/wazuh-dfn
sudo chmod 750 /opt/wazuh-dfn
sudo chmod 640 /opt/wazuh-dfn/config/config.yaml
sudo chmod 600 /opt/wazuh-dfn/certs/*
  1. Start and enable the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable wazuh-dfn
sudo systemctl start wazuh-dfn